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“C'est La Vie” my favorite quote 

 I was born a First-Generation Haitian-American. Growing up my mother was a seamstress and used it as a side hustle (and to this day!) because we were far from rich. This inspired me growing up, she would make elegant garments for herself and customers for far less than the $1000+ price tag it would normally be attached with and her customers would be so happy with her work not because of just the price tag it had an exclusive taste, and the quality was great. It really influenced me to go and start my brand KUDEAUXS! A brand that has its own voice, character, and a community of its own. 

Our Story

Kudeauxs pronounced ˈk(y)o͞oˌdōs got its name from my favorite word, yes that's right you guessed it kudos. The spelling of the name comes from a French enunciation of EAUX which I replaced with O. My designs are inspired by roman manuscripts because of the Influence the French language has with Rome. I created Kudeauxs to build a community of people who care about each others goals and accomplishments. I wanted to give people an acknowledgement of their work by doing the absolute best with my own. I knew growing up seeing the smiles of my mothers customers, clothing was just more than mere garments it was apart of life itself. This drove me to create the Brand you see today, that's why our mantra will always be "LIVE WITH US"

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Our mission - KUDEAUXS KARES

With Kudeauxs Kares we simply want to protect our youth. Buy from Kudeauxs and know that with every purchase, you're contributing to helping a child in Haiti. We all have to give back in some way, so we do it for the youth back home. 10% of all proceeds go to #FORTHEKIDS which provides first and long term aid to orphans in Haiti.

FEEL FREE TO GO TO THEIR WEBSITE AND DONATE!!!!! http://forthekidsofhaiti.com/